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Victoriia Alekhina
Home country: Russia
Graduate School of Economics (Master’s program)
I believe Keio University changed me as a person and it will always have a place in my heart. I originally entered Keio as a research student with the plan to start working straight afterwards. However, I learned a great deal of things and wanted to continue studying at Keio. With the support of my professors and fellow research students, I decided to become a full-time degree student. The library and computing facilities are fantastic, and I have the chance to listen to talks given by major corporations and banks. It is a very stimulating environment.
Faculty and students here respect and are inspired by the university’s traditions and culture, and they all go on to successful careers. I am studying very hard so that one day I can bring my knowledge of the Japanese economy back to Russia, and while I am here, teach Japanese people about my home country. Students can turn their dreams into reality here—this is the biggest appeal of Keio University.
(This interview is from March 2016.)