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Othman Ali Almazyad
Home country: Saudi Arabia
Graduate School of Media and Governance (Doctoral program)
I decided to study in Japan because I thought that studying business administration in a country that makes a lot of products that are full of humor and wit will enable me to produce something of high quality. Keio University not only embraces the splendid culture of Japan, but it also adopts and adapts the most current Western models of education and offers it to its students. The other great aspect of studying in Japan is learning about the spirit of kikubari, or mindful attentiveness, and Japanese ideals of aesthetics. Also at Keio, students and professors work and think together to create new things. If you are looking for a challenge, this is the place for you. The field of business research is not yet very developed in my home country Saudi Arabia. That is why I would like to apply Japanese knowledge to businesses in Saudi Arabia and become an entrepreneur that bridges the two countries.
(This interview is from March 2016.)