1. Request for Donations for Financial Support of Keio Students and Prospective Students from the Affected Areas
Keio will provide learning support such as reductions and exemptions of academic fees to Keio students affected by the earthquake, as well as financial support to affected applicants sitting for the AY 2024 entrance examinations. We would sincerely appreciate your contributions to help us secure the financial resources to do so.
For more information, please contact the Keio University Office of Fund Raising.
2. Request for Donations for Keio University "Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relief Fund"
Keio University has created an account to transfer donations for the victims of the Noto Peninsula Earthquake. For details, please refer to the website for the Office of Fund Raising. The full amount of the money received will be given to the Japanese Red Cross Society as a donation after the bank account is closed. Donations made to this account are eligible for tax deductions and other benefits.
Request for Donations to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relief Fund
*Please refer to the "Request for Donations" PDF on the Japanese website listed above.
3. Request for Relief Supplies through Mita-kai
We would like to request everyone to donate relief supplies through the various branches of the Mita-kai (alumni association). We will make an announcement on this matter after taking into consideration the traffic and transportation conditions in the affected areas.
We thank you for your cooperation and support.