On Tuesday, April 25, at 2:00 p.m., a ceremony was held in the Mita Public Speaking Hall (Mita Enzetsu-kan) to confer a degree of Doctor of Business and Commerce, honoris causa, from Keio University upon Dr. David J. Teece, Professor at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley.
Dr. Teece has made immense contributions to the advancement of management studies, strategic management and corporate theory. Most notably, he was the pioneering architect behind the Dynamic Capabilities Framework, the latest view in the field of strategic management. Keio University decided to confer the degree of Doctor honoris causa upon him in recognition of these achievements.
At the conferral ceremony, the strains of the Wagner Society's rendition of the Alma Mater "The Juku-ka" rang out as Dr. Teece made his entrance with Professor Yingyan Wang of the Graduate School of Business and Commerce serving as the master of ceremonies and Professor Eri Yokota, Dean of the same graduate school, reading the citation. Keio University President Kohei Itoh then conferred the honorary degree upon Dr. Teece, delivered a formal address, and listened as Dr. Teece gave a brief speech expressing his gratitude.
Following the ceremony, a commemorative lecture and symposium based on the theme of "Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management" was held in the North Hall, attended by many students and other guests. During the lecture, Dr. Teece explained about dynamic capability, which is defined as "a firm's ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competences to address rapidly changing environments." He also emphasized the necessity and effectiveness of dynamic capabilities for modern Japanese companies. An interview was then conducted by Professor Jiro Kokuryo of the Faculty of Policy Management, followed by a Q&A session, during which guests continually voiced their queries, and Dr. Teece responded to each question posed in detail.