Beyond Butoh, the KUAC’s other research materials also attract attention from around the world. The 1970 Tokyo Biennale, Between Man and Matter, held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in 1970, is a legendary exhibition full of the early works of artists who would later find worldwide fame. The KUAC recreated the exhibition based on materials from its archives in
Introduction to Archives XIII: Tokyo Biennale ’70, Revisited. Introduction to Archives XIII: Tokyo Biennale ’70, Revisited(22 February - 25 March 2016) Not only was this recreation was well received by researchers, artists, and museum curators in Japan, but its exhibition catalog also received a warm international reception abroad. The KUAC was flooded with inquiries, the value and dynamism of its art archives fully realized. It was as if the KUAC had opened the door to research that the whole world had been waiting for.