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Undergraduate Admissions for International Students

Keio University offers a broad spectrum of academic fields to study within in its ten undergraduate faculties. While most undergraduate programs at Keio are offered in Japanese, the University currently offers degree programs in English. If you wish to learn about Keio's undergraduate programs in English, please see the link for the PEARL and GIGA Programs below. We warmly welcome applications from students with a spirit of independence and self-respect and the drive to make contributions to society.

Undergraduate Degree Programs Offered in English (PEARL and GIGA)

Faculty of Policy Management / Faculty of Environment and Information Studies

Undergraduate Degree Programs Offered in Japanese (Ryugakusei Nyushi)

The Faculties of Letters, Economics, Law, Business and Commerce, Science and Technology, Policy Management, Environment and Information Studies, Nursing and Medical Care, Pharmacy and the School of Medicine offer Admission for International Students (Ryugakusei Nyushi).

As the majority of the courses in the undergraduate programs are taught in Japanese, a high level of proficiency in Japanese is required. The information for admission is available from the link below.


Admissions Center International Division
2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-8345, Japan
E-mail: iuadmse@info.keio.ac.jp

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