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Academic Fees for Keio University Graduate Schools

The new Student Payment Portal (Gakuhi Navi) will be launched from the 2024 academic year. Upon confirming the amount for your academic fees and expenses together with their deadline on Gakuhi Navi, please make your payment by either Pay-easy (via ATM or online banking) or by making a bank transfer from a reception counter at a nearby branch. You will also be able to make automatic bank transfers from the 2024 Fall Semester onward. Keio will discontinue mailing physical bank transfer forms for academic fees and expenses after the 2024 Spring Semester. Informational material will be sent to your registered email address during the payment period. Please log in to Gakuhi Navi and follow the instructions provided in the email.

The payment deadlines for each semester are as follows:
Spring Semester: End of April
Fall Semester: End of October

You may combine your payments for the Spring and Fall Semesters into one lump sum in April. If you only pay for the Spring Semester portion in April, please remember that the Fall Semester portion will still be due in October.

AY 2024 Master's Programs
(for students admitted in or after AY 2019)

(Amounts in Japanese yen)

Letters Economics Law Human Relations Business and Commerce
Academic fees and expenses Registration fee 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Tuition fee 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Other fees 6,700
8,200 50,200 4,200 10,700
Total (first year) 1,066,700
1,068,200 1,110,200 1,064,200 1,070,700
Total (currently enrolled students) 1,066,600
1,068,100 1,110,100 1,064,100 1,070,600
Medicine Science and Technology Media and Governance Health Management Pharmaceutical Sciences
Academic fees and expenses Registration fee 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Tuition fee 1,410,000 1,080,000 1,460,000 1,700,000 1,030,000
Other fees 2,600 2,600 10,600 10,600 2,600
Total (first year) 1,472,600 1,142,600 1,530,600 1,770,600 1,092,600
Total (currently enrolled students) 1,472,500 1,142,500 1,530,500 1,770,500 1,092,500
Business Administration
Business Administration
Executive MBA
System Design and Management
Media Design
Academic fees and expenses Registration fee 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Tuition fee 2,150,000 3,500,000 1,920,000 1,920,000
Other fees 7,600*2 7,600*2 2,600 2,600
Total (first year) 2,217,600 3,567,600 1,982,600 1,982,600
Total (currently enrolled students) 2,216,000 3,566,000 1,982,500 1,982,500

AY 2024 Master's Programs
(for students admitted from AY 2016 through AY 2018)

(Amounts in Japanese yen)

Law Human Relations Media and Governance Health Management Media Design
Academic fees and expenses Registration fee 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Tuition fee 990,000 990,000 1,450,000 1,680,000 1,920,000
Other fees 50,100 4,100 10,500 10,500 2,500
Total (currently enrolled students) 1,100,100 1,054,100 1,520,500 1,750,500 1,982,500

AY 2024 Master's Programs
(for students admitted from AY 2013 through AY 2015)

(Amounts in Japanese yen)

Academic fees and expenses Registration fee 60,000
Tuition fee 490,000
Facilities fee 120,000
Experiment and practical training fee 0
Other fees 6,600*1
Total (currently enrolled students) 676,600
  • Please note that among the academic fees and expenses, the registration fee, tuition fee, facilities fee, and experiment and practical training fee are subject to change from year to year based on a sliding scale system as stipulated in the University Rules and Regulations. The standard for the rate of increase is based on a sliding rate (the rate of increase of the salary of national government employees as announced in the National Personnel Authority's annual salary recommendations in the previous year, etc.).
    The sliding scale will not be applied to the Graduate School of Business Administration, Graduate School of System Design and Management, and Graduate School of Media Design.
  • Among the "Other Fees", the Student Health Care Mutual Aid Association registration fee (100 yen) will only be collected in the first year. This amount is not included in the total academic fees for current students.
  • Annual academic fees and expenses and "Other Fees" can be split into two installments and paid at the end of April for the Spring Semester and the end of October for the Fall Semester. However, part of the "Other Fees" will be collected as a lump sum in the Spring Semester.
  • "Other Fees" which are collected by the university on behalf of other organizations may be revised during the course of a student's attendance.
  • The charts do not display fees for graduate schools that do not have applicable students (due to program completion or other factors).

*1 As part of the "Other Fees" included for second year students and above in the Faculty of Letters, a "Materials Distribution and Other Course-Related Fees" will be collected for your declared major. The Materials Distribution and Other Course-Related Fees for each major are as follows:
Major in Philosophy and Ethics / Major in Aesthetics and Science of Arts: 2,500 yen. Major in History: 3,500 yen. Major in Japanese Literature / Major in Chinese Literature / Major in English and American Literature / Major in German Literature / Major in French Literature: 2,500 yen. Major in Library and Information Science: 3,000 yen.

*2 The admission fee for the Keio Management Society of 1,500 yen is only charged in the first year of study and is included in "Other Fees" for the Graduate School of Business Administration (Master's Program).

AY 2024 Doctoral Programs
(for students admitted in or after AY 2016)

(Amounts in Japanese yen)

Letters Economics Law Human Relations Business and Commerce
Academic fees and expenses Registration fee 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Tuition fee 690,000 690,000 690,000 690,000 690,000
Other fees 6,700
8,200 50,200 4,200 10,700
Total (first year) 756,700
758,200 800,200 754,200 760,700
Total (currently enrolled students) 756,600
758,100 800,100 754,100 760,600
Medicine Science and Technology Media and Governance Health Management Pharmaceutical Sciences
Academic fees and expenses Registration fee 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Tuition fee 1,160,000 690,000 690,000 690,000 690,000
Other fees 2,600 2,600 10,600 10,600 2,600
Total (first year) 1,222,600 752,600 760,600 760,600 752,600
Total (currently enrolled students) 1,222,500 752,500 760,500 760,500 752,500
Business Administration
System Design and Management
Media Design
Academic fees and expenses Registration fee 60,000 60,000 60,000
Tuition fee 820,000 1,140,000 1,140,000
Other fees 2,600 2,600 2,600
Total (first year) 882,600 1,202,600 1,202,600
Total (currently enrolled students) 882,500 1,202,500 1,202,500

AY 2024 Doctoral Programs
(for students admitted from AY 2013 through AY 2015)

(Amounts in Japanese yen)

Medicine Media and Governance Pharmaceutical Sciences Media Design
Academic fees and expenses Registration fee 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Tuition fee 760,000 300,000 390,000 750,000
Facilities fee 200,000 390,000 170,000 320,000
Experiment and practical training fee 200,000 0 130,000 0
Other fees 2,500 10,500 2,500 2,500
Total (currently enrolled students) 1,222,500 760,500 752,500 1,132,500
  • Please note that among the Academic Fees and Expenses, the registration fee, tuition fee, facilities fee, and experiment and practical training fee are subject to change from year to year based on a sliding scale system as stipulated in the University Rules and Regulations. The standard for the rate of increase is based on a sliding rate (the rate of increase of the salary of national government employees as announced in the National Personnel Authority's annual salary recommendations in the previous year, etc.).
    The sliding scale will not be applied to the Graduate School of Business Administration, Graduate School of System Design and Management, and Graduate School of Media Design.
  • Among the "Other Fees", the Student Health Care Mutual Aid Association registration fee (100 yen) will only be collected in the first year. This amount is not included in the total academic fees for current students.
  • Annual academic fees and expenses and "Other Fees" can be split into two installments and paid at the end of April for the Spring Semester and the end of October for the Fall Semester. However, part of the "Other Fees" will be collected as a lump sum in the Spring Semester.
  • "Other Fees" which are collected by the university on behalf of other organizations may be revised during the course of a student's attendance
  • The charts do not display fees for graduate schools that do not have applicable students (due to program completion or other factors).

*1 As part of the "Other Fees" included for second year students and above in the Faculty of Letters, a "Materials Distribution and Other Course-Related Fees" will be collected for your declared major. The materials Distribution and Other Course-Related Fees for each major are as follows:
Major in Philosophy and Ethics / Major in Aesthetics and Science of Arts: 2,500 yen. Major in History: 3,500 yen. Major in Japanese Literature / Major in Chinese Literature / Major in English and American Literature / Major in German Literature / Major in French Literature: 2,500 yen. Major in Library and Information Science: 3,000 yen.

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