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Keio offers double degree programs with other world-class universities. Students study at Keio and at the partner institution, and are awarded degrees from both upon completion.
Keio offers 974 courses and an ever-increasing number of degree programs delivered in English.
Get a taste of education, research, and student life through one of the short-term programs Keio has to offer.
More information on study abroad at Keio for students from one of Keio's partner institutions.
The Center for Japanese Studies offers courses on the Japanese language and Japanese studies to suit the diverse needs of Keio's international students.
2017 Keio University Promotional Video: Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow
The International Center coordinates various programs, such as student and faculty exchanges with universities abroad, English-taught courses on Japan and East/Southeast Asia, and more. The International Center also organizes lectures and seminars by international scholars. In addition to its role administering academic programs, the International Center also assists international students and scholars coming to Japan, by providing a range of services, including disseminating information on available scholarships and events.
For figures and data relevant to international students at Keio, check out the Keio University Fact Book here.