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Leading the internationalization
of Japanese universities.
Raising the next generation of leaders
in a world-class environment.

To equip students with the skills for leadership roles in a global society, Keio offers more double degree programs with other world-class universities than any other Japanese university. In these programs, students study at Keio and at the partner institution and are awarded two degrees.



*Number of Double Degree Programs: 30 (As of May, 2024)

Faculty of Economics

  • Double degree program with Sciences Po (France)

    Established: 2012
    Length: 4-5 years
    Students earn a B.A. degree from both Keio and Sciences Po.

  • Double degree program with Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Italy)

    Established: 2016
    Length: 4 years
    Students earn a B.A. degree from both Keio and Università Bocconi.

Faculty of Business and Commerce

Graduate School of Economics

  • CEMS MIM (Master's in International Management) Master's program

    Students earn an M.A. (Economics) from Keio and a Master's degree in International Management from CEMS.

  • Double master’s degree program with Brandeis University (USA)

    This program was established in the 2018 academic year. Students of the Keio University Graduate School of Economics who fulfil the prescribed requirements can obtain a master’s degree from Brandeis University in addition to a Master of Arts in Economics from Keio University.

Graduate School of Human Relations

Graduate School of Business and Commerce

  • CEMS MIM (Master's in International Management) Master's program

    Students earn an M.A. (Business and Commerce) from Keio and a Master's degree in International Management from CEMS.

Faculty/Graduate School of Science and Technology

  • Double degree program with Ecole Centrale Group (Lille, Lyon, Centrale Méditerranée, Nantes, CentraleSupélec) (France)

    Established: 2005
    Length: 6.5 years
    Students earn a Degree of Master of Science in Engineering or Master of Science from Keio and a Diplôme d’ Ingénieur from Ecole Centrale Group or Centrale Supélec.

  • Double degree program with Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)

    Established: 2014
    Length: 3 years
    Students earn a Degree of Master of Science in Engineering or Master of Science from Keio and a Degree of Master Ingénieur Civil from Université catholique de Louvain.

  • Double degree program with Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) (Belgium)

    Established: 2014
    Length: 3 years
    Students earn a Degree of Master of Science in Engineering or Master of Science from Keio and a Master Ingénieur Civil from Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

  • Double degree program with Institut Mines-Telecom (France)

    Established: 2013
    Length: 3 years
    Students earn a Degree of Master of Science in Engineering or Master of Science from Keio and a Diplôme d’ ingénieur from Institut Mines-Telecom.
    Note: Telecom Bretagne merged with Mines Nantes to form Institut Mines-Telecom in January 2017.

  • Double degree program with MINES Paris (France)

    Established: 2011
    Length: 3 years
    Students earn a Degree of Master of Science in Engineering or Master of Science from Keio and a Master of Science in Engineering Programme from MINES Paris.

  • Double degree with Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany)

    Established: 2017
    Length: 3 years
    Students earn the Degree of Master of Science or Master of Engineering from Keio and a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Leibniz Universität Hannover.

  • Double degree program with RWTH Aachen University (Germany)

    Established: 2012
    Length: 3 years
    Students earn a Degree of Master of Science in Engineering or Master of Science from Keio and a Master Degree (Master of Science for those who major Mechanical Engineering, Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, and Computer Engineering for those who major in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology) from RWTH Aachen University.

  • Double degree program with Technische Universität München (Germany)

    Established: 2011
    Length: 3 years
    Students earn a Degree of Master of Science from Keio and a Master of Science in "Applied and Engineering Physics" from Technische Universität München.

  • Double degree program with Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

    Established: 2011
    Length: 3 years
    Students earn a Degree of Master of Science in Engineering or Master of Science from Keio and a Master's degree (Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria) from Politecnico di Milano.

  • Double degree program with Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) (Spain)

    Established: 2006
    Length: 3 years
    Students earn a Degree of Master of Science in Engineering or Master of Science from Keio and an equivalent Master Degree from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).

  • Double degree program with KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)

    Established: 2011
    Length: 3 years
    Students earn a Degree of Master of Science in Engineering or Master of Science from Keio and a Master of Science in Engineering from KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

  • Japan-Europe Master on Advanced Robotics (JEMARO) (France, Italy, Poland)

    Established: 2020
    Length: 2 years
    Students earn a Degree of Master of Science in Engineering from Keio and Master of Science in Engineering from one of the partner universities (Ecole Centrale de Nantes, University of Genoa, Warsaw University of Technology).

Graduate School of Business Administration (Keio Business School)

Graduate School of Media and Governance

  • Double degree program with Fudan University (China)

    Established: 2005
    Length: 2 years
    Students earn a Master of Media and Governance from Keio and a Master of Law in International Relations and Public Affairs from Fudan.

  • Double degree program with Yonsei University (I) (Korea)

    Established: 2005
    Length: 2 years
    Students earn a Master of Media and Governance from Keio and a Master of Arts in Korean Studies or a Master of Arts in International Studies from Yonsei.

  • Double degree program with Yonsei University (II) (Korea)

    Established: 2005
    Length: 2 years
    Students earn a Master of Media and Governance from Keio and a Master of Arts in Sociology or a Master of Arts in Regional Studies from Yonsei.

Graduate School of Media Design

  • CEMS MIM (Master's in International Management)

    Students earn an M.A. (Media Design) from Keio and Master's degree in International Management from CEMS.

Keio University Law School

  • Double degree program with University of Washington School of Law (U.S.A.)

    Established: 2017
    Length: 1 year
    Students receive an LL.M. from Keio and University of Washington School of Law.

  • Double degree program with Hanoi Law University (Vietnam)

    Established: 2019
    Length: 1 year
    Students receive an LL.M. from Keio and Hanoi Law University.

  • Double degree program with University of Economics and Law in Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)

    Established: 2019
    Length: 1 year
    Students receive an LL.M. from Keio and University of Economics and Law in Ho Chi Minh.

  • Double degree program with Thammasat University, Faculty of Law (Thailand)

    Established: 2021
    Length: 1 year
    Students receive an LL.M. from Keio and Thammasat University, Faculty of Law.

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